There is an import feature in TE Preferences where you can uploaded recipients together with a primary object instead of having to assign the objects one by one. This can also be combined with uploading collaborations and assigning recipients into recipient groups.

This article will cover the below topics, head over to the most relevant by clicking the links below.

Import recipients and primary objects

Import collaborations

Import recipient groups

Import recipients and primary objects

The first step is to open the form that should be distributed and go to the recipients page. From here, download the import template which can be found in the right hand side menu.


Open the downloaded file and head to the tab for “Submissions”. Enter all the recipients email addresses in column A. Recipient name is optional and can be left blank. Enter primary object in column C. The primary object has to be entered as Please ask your CS representative if you need help with generating the ext.ids.


Click on “Drop file here or click to browse” in the right menu in TE Preferences and upload the file. Once uploaded, there will be a first step of validation before the recipients and primary objects can be imported, e.g if primary object are missing or have an incorrect


Once all recipients and primary objects are in order, the form can be sent out. The recipient will then receive an email where he or she is asked to fill out the form for an already defined primary object.
